Jeff Koons, renowned as the world’s priciest living artist, etched his name in history as the Odysseus spacecraft touched down on Thursday. This marked the milestone of Koons being the inaugural artist to have his work showcased on the Moon, accompanied by the simultaneous release of matching NFTs of the artwork.
“Cultivating Connections Between the Digital and Physical Worlds”
Fueled by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, in collaboration with space exploration company Intuitive Machines and NASA, the Odysseus spacecraft achieved a historic landing on Thursday, marking the first mission to touch down on the Moon in over fifty years. To commemorate this groundbreaking event, Jeff Koons conceptualized a multi-faceted sculpture series centered around “the Moon as a symbol of human curiosity and the desire to achieve,” as stated on the project’s website.
Titled “Jeff Koons: Moon Phases,” the artist’s latest creation comprises three integral components: 125 miniature moon sculptures designated to be “installed on the Moon in perpetuity,” 125 larger mirror-reflective stainless steel sculptures representing the Moon to be retained on Earth, and corresponding NFTs encapsulating both aspects.
“Each distinct NFT is matched with a sculpture destined for placement within the lunar cube and a sculpture bound for Earth, forging connections between the digital and physical realms,” elucidates the project’s website. “The NFT itself will feature an image depicting the sculptures installed on the lunar surface, alongside other visuals. Together with the additional elements of Moon Phases, the NFT will bear Jeff Koons’s distinctive signature.”
Inspiring Future Generations Through Past Achievements
In collaboration with the female-owned space company 4Space, each element of the project is dedicated to individuals who have made significant contributions to human history, such as Albert Einstein, Susan B. Anthony, Michelangelo, and others.
“These notable figures, among others, will have their names prominently showcased alongside the Moon Phases, commemorating their achievements in conjunction with the Moon mission,” declares the project’s website. “Through this gesture, Koons pays homage to some of the most remarkable accomplishments of the past, aiming to inspire future generations.”
An Out Of This World Art Piece
Koons’ NFTs, introduced via Pace Gallery’s virtual art platform, Pace Verso, will grant art aficionados, space enthusiasts, and NFT collectors an opportunity to possess a piece of historical significance.
“The sculptures remaining on Earth will incorporate a precious stone, such as a white diamond, yellow diamond, blue sapphire, green emerald, or red ruby,” states the project website. “The positioning of the stone on the sculptures will denote the landing site on the Moon, slated to become a Lunar Heritage Site where the corresponding Moon sculptures will be permanently installed.”
The realm of high art frequently intersects with Web3 technology—just this week, auction house Sotheby’s garnered attention for its auction of Ether Rock, described as “an early NFT collectible.”
However, Moon Phases appears to mark Koons’ inaugural venture into the NFT domain.
“I am profoundly honored to have ‘Moon Phases’ recognized as the first authorized artwork to grace the surface of the Moon,” expressed the esteemed artist in a recent Instagram caption.